Traditional Socialism

Traditional socialism promotes a level playing field where everyone, in a matter of me, becomes equally poor; other than the few who learn to manipulate and misuse the socialistic system. Socialism enriches and empowers the few in-power; with money that the poor masses are forced to pay. Traditional socialism has proven to be unsustainable as those in power expend and exhaust other people’s money; eventually, leading to insolvency or revolution.

There is now a newism, defined as Cause Capitalism. Cause Capitalism will resolve the ideological war between capitalism and socialism. Cause Capitalism is the evolutionary idea that is above and beyond capitalism and socialism; a practical and sustainable solution to creating a beer world, for everyone, in the foreseeable future.

Cause Capitalism is a more compassionate form of capitalism. Cause Capitalism is the new capitalism the world has been waiting for, all along. Cause Capitalism is, truly, capitalism re-imagined.

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